Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An Apple A Day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. That’s not seven apples a week. It’s an apple a day. You can’t skip a day and then the next day have two apples. You can’t wait until the end of the week and just eat seven apples. It’s an apple a day.

Miss Lucy’s doctor’s have instructed her to eat a banana every day to keep her potassium levels up. She can’t miss a day and catch up later. She can’t eat all of her bananas at the beginning of the week. She has to have one every day.

That’s the same approach we should take toward any goal or accomplishment. It’s the steady progress that we make toward our goals that counts. We won’t accomplish everything in one day or in one step. Most times it will take several steps to get to our destination. If we stop after a few steps, if we are not discipline about our steps, if we become discouraged because we don’t get there in just a couple of steps, if we think we can skip necessary steps, we won’t reach our goal.

We didn’t get out of shape in just one day. We didn’t get in debt in just one day. We didn’t wreck our relationship in one day. These things take time and the correction of these things take time also.

If we can hold on to our goal, keep our eye on the prize, as we take our steps each day we will reach our goal. We don’t have to even be able to see the goal. Just like when you head from New York to Los Angeles, you can’t see the end destination but you know that step by step, mile by mile, you will get there.

Whatever you are going after take it a step at a time. But be sure to take a step each day. Each day be sure you are doing something to get you closer to your dream. Don’t get discouraged. Just like I do when I run, just “keep puttin’ ‘em, and puttin’ ‘em down”. Before you know it you’ll reach your goal. A day at a time.

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