Wednesday, January 26, 2011



"The thoughts that emerge in your consciousness are mainly determined by the context in which you live your life.  Live for beauty, love, creativity, generosity, and peace and watch what insights take place" 
Michael Bernard Beckwith

Have you noticed that what you focus on is what shows up in your life?  For example if you are focusing on the new red car you intend to purchase, you will begin to see a host of red cars on the road.  If you are focusing on an exercise program, you notice the weight loss commercials, you see the sales on athletic gear and you are more aware of your calorie intake.  That is because you see more of what you focus on.

So why not focus on the good things in life?  Why not look at the world with a different focus?  I suggest following Rev. Beckwith's advice and to look for the beauty, love, creativity and generosity in life.  You shouldn't have to look far to see the beauty in a plant or a piece of art; or to see the love expressed between family and friends; or to see the creativity and generosity that takes place in our everyday lives.

If you look for it, you will find it.  Your thoughts will be changed by the context in which you choose to live your life.  Just focus.

Today, I will look for the good in everything.  If I don't see it, I will look again.